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    Policies And Financials

    Policies And Financials

    Transparency and Accountability

    As a nonprofit organization, Consumer Reports works to be as open as possible in its financial disclosures and operations and in maintaining its independence and integrity.

    In February 1936, the state of New York granted a charter to Consumers Union, the organization that would publish Consumer Reports, with the goal to provide consumers with “information and counsel on…goods and services” and to “maintain laboratories…to supervise and conduct research and tests.” Our policies and financial statements attest to CR’s continuing dedication to those founding principles more than 80 years later.

    Financial Reports

    Consumer Reports is a not-for-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It follows the standards of accounting and financial reporting for nonprofits as prescribed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

    No Commercial Use Policy

    We’ve restricted use of our name or content in advertising since 1936. Why? Consumers should have the assurance that any reference to CR and our ratings is accurate and not taken out of context.

    Our Bylaws

    Consumer Reports’ most valuable asset is its reputation for independence, impartiality, integrity and expertise. How we operate and govern ourselves is key to maintaining that reputation.

    Report A Violation

    We do not allow our content to be excerpted or used without our express permission. If you encounter any ad that directly mentions Consumer Reports or our ratings, please tell us so that we can investigate.

    Transparency in Coverage

    The Transparency in Coverage rule requires insurers and group health plans to create online consumer tools that include personalized information regarding members’ cost-sharing responsibilities for covered items and services. This link provides pricing information that can be used by third parties, to help consumers better understand the costs associated with their health care.