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    Consumer Reports has long worked to help consumers make informed choices and influence the marketplace. For more than 80 years, our research, journalism and media, and advocacy have led to safer products and fairer market practices.

    The advocacy division of Consumer Reports directs our efforts to secure strong pro-consumer policies and practices in government and across industries. We have won important victories for consumers to ensure that the cars, food, and other products we buy are safe, raise the standards for financial services, and improve health and well-being.

    Today, we continue this work, standing firmly behind the principle that consumer products and services must be safe, effective, reliable, and fairly priced. We insist that manufacturers, retailers, government agencies, and others be clear and honest. We advocate for truth and transparency wherever information is hidden or unclear. And we push companies to address and remedy issues quickly with their products and services.

    We work directly with our 1 million-plus activists for strong consumer protection laws in Congress and the states and to expose corporations that do wrong by their customers—and to encourage companies that are heading in the right direction.

    Consumers help us identify the biggest problems and challenges in the marketplace so that we can put our experts on the case. We think about what a better system would look like and who could make the key changes to get us all there. And, we launch campaigns to raise consumer voices – together with consumers, we get results.

    Our campaigns have already helped lower credit card rates, expand access to health insurance, and remove dangerous products from shelves.

    Want to support our work? Make a donation today! And sign up for alerts on how you can help work for safer products and marketplace fairness.

    Learn more about Consumer Reports’ advocacy work.