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    Streaming Media Ratings

    Binge-watch your favorite show or cut the cord with the best streaming media device. With a simple setup, you can watch TV in no time with these little boxes.

    View our ratings and reviews and browse our buying guide to find the best streaming media.

    Streaming Media Devices (19)

    We've tested and rated set-top streaming media devices from top brands. The recommended models include devices that score well for picture quality, features, and connectivity.

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    All Ratings

    Streaming devices are ideal for marathon watchers, as well as for cord-cutters. Using devices such as Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, or Roku, along with subscription or pay-per-view services such as Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix, you can watch newly released and classic films, seasons of past and current TV shows, and shows and networks you used to have to subscribe to cable to get.